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Ways To Support

Please join us in our efforts to create a better future for our commUNITY.

There are countless ways to support the YTOB Foundation and contribute to the mission we are championing. Whether you choose to donate your time, resources, or skills, every effort counts. Volunteer at our events, share our mission with your friends and family or consider making a financial contribution to help us continue our vital work. Together, we can create positive change and make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve. Take action today and be a catalyst for positive transformation. Join hands with us and let’s build a better future for all. Remember, supporting a nonprofit is not just a one-time act; it’s a journey of collective empowerment. Together, we can create sustainable change, uplift commUNITY, and inspire a movement.

Personal Contributions

Your contribution will provide access to yoga classes throughout the Treasure Valley (and beyond), and continuing education to existing yoga teachers. Invest in growing and supporting a healthy commUNITY!

One-Time Donation

Make a one-time donation to the YTOB Foundation and directly impact commUNITY participants.

Recurring Monthly Donation

Whether you prefer to donate monthly, quarterly, or annually, the YTOB Foundation has made it easy for you to automate and manage your online support.  Connect with us to learn more or support today!

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Enables our supporters to raise donations by launching personalized fundraising campaigns for the YTOB Foundation through personal social media and email networks.

In-Kind Giving

We recognize that gifts-in-kind are necessary for the YTOB Foundation to host the events that we need outside of personal giving for operational and program advancement. We would be thrilled if your business would consider being our commUNITY partner by becoming a:

  • Prize sponsor
  • Food sponsor
  • Venue partner
  • Digital/Media/Promotional sponsor

Whichever your preferred avenue of support, let’s connect!


The YTOB Foundation relies on volunteers as the lifeblood of our operations, recognizing that without dedicated individuals like you, our mission to serve commUNITY and advance social causes would be nearly impossible to achieve. Your contribution as a volunteer is invaluable, as it helps us maximize our impact, reach more people, and foster personal growth. By volunteering you can contribute to a cause you care about, gain valuable experience, and connect with like-minded individuals. This is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact by utilizing your skills, time, and passion for our mission and creating positive change in your commUNITY.

Contact Us

Corporate Giving

Sponsor the YTOB Foundation and demonstrate your company's commitment to wellness and social responsibility. Your contribution will provide yoga classes and continuing education teacher training while promoting health and well-being for all who wish to participate in our programs. Make a positive impact in the community, support our mission, and enhance your company's reputation. Support and invest in a healthier community today!

Matching Gifts

Does your company offer employee donation matching gifts?
  • Companies of all sizes match donations their employees make to the YTOB Foundation because it’s an easy, streamlined way for them to support good work in our commUNITY.
  • Corporate matching gifts are an efficient and straightforward way for companies to build a relationship with the YTOB Foundation and our commUNITY.
  • Corporate philanthropy programs allow our donors to maximize the impact of their donations.

Corporate Grants

Does your business offer grants through a corporate social responsibility office or a corporate foundation?  The YTOB Foundation focuses on local partnerships and we might not yet be aware of your business offerings.  Let’s build our commUNITY!

In-Kind Giving

We recognize that gifts-in-kind are necessary for the YTOB Foundation to host the events that we need outside of personal giving for operational and program advancement. We would be thrilled if your business would consider being our commUNITY partner by becoming a:

  • Prize sponsor
  • Food sponsor
  • Venue partner
  • Digital/Media/Promotional sponsor

Whichever your preferred avenue of support, let’s connect!

Sponsorship Proposal

Share your experience

Have you participated in yoga or the YTOB Foundation programs? We would love to hear how yoga has influenced you and welcome your support of the YTOB Foundation whether it’s through volunteering, social media outreach, or video testimonials and quotes that can be shared and inspire our commUNITY!